Zines del Sol
Art and Zines by 100+ Artists
exhibition November 6 – December 23, 2021
opening reception Nov 6, 6-9pm
live & streaming poetry reading Dec 4, 2-4pm
holiday bazaar & zine making workshop Dec 11, 11-4pm

Tierra Del Sol Gallery presents our first ever zine show, Zines del Sol. Join us for the collaborative exhibition and festivities celebrating word and image by artists working with the Studios of Tierra del Sol, which is a not-for-profit founded in 1971. We champion inclusion and value for all individuals with disabilities through creative pathways to employment, education, and the arts.
After over a year of creating from home-studios and working in new online communities, Tierra artists have come forth with an explosion of passion and an invigorated zest for making art. By delving deeper into their own interior landscapes, original writings and words are woven into poetry, characters stitched into dolls, images conjured for divination, and intergalactic friendships forged. Whether on paper, thread, paint, or clay, these artists have accessed new dimensions of their creative practices and brought imaginative ideas into fruition.
The tradition of zine making offers an unlimited vehicle for immediacy of expression and vitality of spirit. The artists of Tierra expand upon these methods with a wide variety of forms. Tierra del Sol Gallery brings you this collaborative extravaganza featuring new takes on zines, calendars, tarot cards, ceramics, comic books, dolls, textiles, tote bags, t-shirts and much more!
Open from November 6th to December 23rd, 2021, this is the perfect destination for uniquely crafted holiday gifts. This includes the debut of our exciting new Tierra Del Sol book publication of collaborative poetry featuring original poems and artwork dreamed into reality from Tierra’s online poetry workshops over the past year. Also, Wendy Yao, owner of Ooga Booga in Los Angeles, is juror of our t-shirt and tote bag contest so you can leave the gallery wearing one of the award-winning designs created by Tierra artists.
We invite you to join us both virtually and in person as we festively re-emerge and reconnect:
Nov 6, 6-9pm, Opening Celebration with book signings, live portraits and DJs
Dec 4, 2-4pm Live & Streaming Poetry Reading
Dec 11, 11-4pm Holiday Bazaar & Zine Making Workshop
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